Why I'm Embracing A Messy Lifestyle


Anybody who knows me knows that I am notoriously messy. Messy room, messy schedule, messy mind - don't even get me started on the amount of loose paper in my university rucksack. After years of battling this... 'issue'... I've finally started to see beauty in the chaos. For all you messy folk like me, I'm going to teach you to embrace your madness.

Messy Twister anyone?

First things first; messy does not mean dirty. It is still always super important to make sure you're wiping down surfaces and hoovering to get crumbs of food off the floor. I clear occasionally, I clean often. Invest in some anti-bac wipes - I like the lemon-scented ones because they remind me of KFC.

Onto clothes - being messy has shown me I actually don't need a lot of stuff! I'm wearing the same 3 shirts/jumpers every week, washing them and then putting them back on again. The items lying on my floor, thrown in a heap on my desk chair, they don't worry me. It's the items that have been stuck, untouched, in my wardrobe for three months that are the problem. Being messy has taught me to keep a more minimalist mindset. Every once in a while I go through the things in the drawers and throw out the things I haven't been throwing on the floor. It's a little bit backwards but I'm essentially messy on the outside, decluttered on the inside!

Piles! Making piles is the key to embracing a messy lifestyle. Much to the dismay of my mother, I can justify that I know where absolutely everything is in my bedroom. That's all because my mess is ordered: clothes I'm always wearing, work/school bags, clothes to hang up, books/notes - and I use bags to group things together. This way, when I eventually do get round to having a big clear up, it's easy for me!

I try to keep a one in, one out policy with things like cups. Granted, this doesn't always work and I sometimes find myself stumbling down the stairs with about a dozen glasses, trying not to break any. I've taken to having a 'bedtime water glass' which I refill every evening. This stops me bringing new, unnecessary cups into my bedroom and if I do bring something new in, I try to take one out. Failing this, I have a place in my messy room for glasses to go. Much like the above point on making piles, this makes it easier for me when I do go to clean.

The aftermath of a messy 18th birthday party

All in all, being messy is basically being clean in a messy way! Hygiene is hugely important and if you really can't stick to a cleaning schedule (like me) then justifying a little orderly mess is key to embracing your lifestyle. Besides, I genuinely believe messy people are more creative... who says a messy floor can't be art?* Chances are, if revision timetables didn't work in school, having 'Cleaning Sundays' is going to fail too! Use my lifestyle method above and embrace the chaos... you might just find you like it!

*My mother, actually.

That's all for now,

Hannah xoxo

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